
As You just turn Around

I find myself trying not to think, or shall I said not to feel?
I am looking around how everything falls apart; 
that house of concrete is not longer what It used to be eight years ago…
I am looking over and over, but I can’t ignore it

However, how is that you can?

Every word I had said, I don’t regret it, even if they hurt you, even if it means falling more and more in this dark precipice…  I don’t regret saying the true rather that close my eyes as you do!

How much are you going to hold it?

It is like the world blurring in front of me and I can do nothing but hang on to the idea that everything is going to be okay, but it won’t.

All those dreams now seem like they never exist, did they?
When are you going to open your eyes?
When are you  going to listen back?
When are you going to understand that it is not about you, it is about all of us!!!  

Yet, at the end,   you just turn around and walk away…

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